کارت RFID قابل برنامه ريزي مبتني بر تراشه ي شرکت T5577 ، ATMEL
تگ و يا کارت RFID، شامل يک مدار الکترونيکي است زماني که تگ در نزديکي کدخوان ( RFID Reader ) قرار مي گيرد، ميدان مغناطيسي توليد شده توسط کد خوان باعث فعال شدن تگ مي گردد. و تگ اقدام به ارسال داده از طريق پالس هاي راديويي مي نمايد. در نهايت داده توسط کدخوان دريافت و به يک کامپيوتر يا ميکروکنترلر ارسال مي گردد.
تگ RFID مدل کارتي
سايز: سايز استاندارد کارت هاي عابر بانک ، 85.5 × 54 × 0.80
فرکانس راديويي : 125KHz
نوع تگ: خواندني و نوشتني ,Readable and Writable
330 بيت حافظه ي EEPROM در 10 بلوک 33 بيتي
فاصله کار: 3 تا 10 سانتي متر
پايداري حافظه تا 10 سال
با قابليت 100 هزار بار بازنويسي
جنس مواد سازنده: PVC ABS
کابردهاي RFID :
سيستم هاي امنيتي
شناسايي کاربر يا خودور يا کالا ...
گيت هاي فروشگاهي
کتابخانه ها
مديريت انبار
خانه هاي هوشمند
فناوري اطلاعات
سامانه هاي هوشند
RFID در ساخت و ساز : ابزار رديابي ، رديابي لوله
RFID در بيمارستان و مراقبت از سلامت
سيستم هاي پرداخت RFID
زمان و حضور و غياب
T5577 card | T5567 card company American Atmel versatile non-contact R / W identification IC for 125 KHz frequency range.
Chips need to connect an antenna coil, which is regarded as the communication interface chip driver circuit power supply and two-way information. Antenna and chip together form a proximity card or tag.
T5557 card | T5567 card chip total of 330 bit EPROM (distribution of 10 blocks, each block 33 bit), the T5557 from the reader is read / write. Block 0 is a parameter configuration block is reserved for setting the operation mode of the T5557. Block 7 can be used for user data blocks, also thought to protect all the data blocks to set a user password to avoid unauthorized illegal rewritten. Data transmission is done from the load modulator IC identification. When receiving the IC reader scan field, will give birth to two terminals of the coil in the "1" and "2", a sense of the RF field strength resistance, then 100% amplitude modulated for encoding and decoding, to obtain the reader related commands and data, and return the reader card information.
Operating frequency: 125KHZ
Storage capacity: 330bits, 10 partitions, 8 Password
Reading distance :3-10CM
Endurance: more than 100,000 times
Data Retention: 10 years
Size: ISO standard card 85.5 × 54 × 0.80 / thick card 85.6 × 54 × 1.80MM
Packaging materials: PVC ABS.
Applications: Induction smart locks, business card systems, access control, access systems.
T5577 card | T5567 card applications: enterprise / campus card, access card attendance office, canteen consumer cards, membership fees, canteen charge card, bus card, dining card, fuel card, highway fees, prepaid card credit card spending, parking, community management and other non-contact RF card chip.